Of course corporations are people

Romney, when he said “corporations are people” was correct in two ways:  (1) As a matter of law, corporations are considered people, an approach that justifies taxing them.  (2) Corporations are agglomerations of people:  they are owned by people, run by people and provide goods benefiting people.  It’s a Marxist delusion to pretend that something that has a legal identification to improve functionality and accountability is entirely divorced from humanity.  No people, no corporations.  No corporations, dramatically less in the way of wealth, innovation, services, health care, roads . . . indeed, anything that adds quality to our lives today.

Thank goodness for corporations.  They should be policed so that their aggregation of human power — and with that human power, wealth — does not allow them to avoid or break rules to the detriment of people’s health and immediate well-being, but they are one of the gifts of our modern era, and we should be grateful, not resentful.