A brilliant line about Obama

Imperial ObamaAt Power Line, Paul Mirengoff writes about the way the Russians took Obama’s measure way back during his 2009 visit.  He explains (emphasis mine):

The Russians also had a good laugh at Obama’s imperial trappings. These included the flotilla of Air Force jets that brought him and his entourage to Moscow and the takeover of the Ritz Carlton hotel, where (I was told) rooms started at around $1,200 per night and the presidential suite went for $13,000. Russians were mindful that Presidents Clinton and Bush had traveled far less lavishly. Obama as Neville ChamberlainIt was, I suspect, the jarring juxtaposition of the two phenomena — a president who travels like Julius Caesar but negotiates like Neville Chamberlain — that most amused Russia’s oligarchs. Like the way the juxtaposition of Greek columns and platitudinous mush amused (but also dismayed) observant Americans.

Isn’t that a brilliant line?  “A president who travels like Julius Caesar but negotiates like Neville Chamberlain.”  It so beautifully illustrates Obama’s overweening arrogance, coupled with his careless, callous disregard for America’s standing, reputation, and security.