Obama and fellow Democrats are harbingers of death; or #LikeABoss

Danse MacabreJohn Podhoretz wrote a funny (but pointed) opinion piece about the Obama administration’s striking ineptitude when it comes to dealing with the increasing number of scandals so big that even the drive-by media can’t ignore them. The NRCC also did a great, funny video capturing that same ineptitude:

Thinking about it, though, maybe it’s not all that funny. Because each of these inept defenses is an attempt to deflect the Obama administration’s and the Democrat Party’s complicity in or responsibility for death in the 21st century, lots and lots of death:

  • the death of veterans;
  • the death of ambassadors;
  • the death of career foreign service specialists;
  • the death of CIA operatives who were once Navy SEALS;
  • the death of American border guards;
  • the death of hundreds of Mexican citizens;
  • the deaths of hundreds of Yemen and Pakistan citizens;
  • the death of privacy now that the government is spying on everyone;
  • the death of press freedom because the administration spies on, pressures, and shuts out those journalists who don’t toe the party line;
  • the death of citizens’ constitutional rights to speech and association because the IRS shuts them down;
  • the death of our economy;
  • the death of the work ethic;
  • the death of citizens who have lost their health care;
  • the death of American self-reliance;
  • the death of aborted babies, especially those that are viable;
  • the death of a military Obama is trying to re-create in his own effete mold; and
  • the death of American strength and prestige.

No wonder the Democrats seem to have a peculiar affinity for Islamists, whether the Palestinians or the Mullahs in Iran.  Hard core Islamism is a death cult, one in which its adherents value no lives, either their own or their enemies’.

There’s a meme going around, mocking a terribly tone deaf bumper sticker the Democrat Party was testing out on its official Twitter account:


Clever conservatives instantly had a field day with this one. PJ Media has assembled some of the most clever entrants. Given that Obama presides over the deadliest political party in modern history, I have my own ideas about pwning that bumper sticker.


Or this version, which I like even better, since it keeps Obama in the frame:

Like A Boss Death Version