The Bookworm Beat — September 5 picture and video edition (and Open Thread)

Woman writingAs I noted in the preceding post, I’ll be offline for a while as my go-to guy for my computer tries to figure out why it’s not working right. In the meantime, I’ve got wonderful pictures and an excellent video.  Please check in soon, because I am lining up more stuff to enliven your morning:

Allen West and the Marine Corps

Obama's idea of leadership

Real apartheid

Allen West on cultural degradation

Andrew Tahmooresi and Obama

Gutfeld on Obama's enemy list

And here’s the video, complete with a language warning, for some of the usual conversational obscenities that everyone seems to rely upon these days. What I love about this video is that when the usual micro-managing media crowd tries to impose its version of political correctness and high moral authority on the comic book world, someone in the comic book world is willing to push back (and has almost 500,000 people viewing that push back: