The Bookworm Room 12/24/14 — Christmas Eve illustrated edition and Open Thread

My day just flew by but, thanks to help from Caped Crusader, Sadie, and my real-me Facebook friends and follows, I managed to snag a lot of good posters:

Christmas greetings to those crying for help in the Middle East

Obama fails when it comes to lower gas prices

New surgeon general thinks gun violence should be cured by physicians

Getting news from Jon Stewart like learning about WWII from Hogan's Heroes

North Korea only fat kid in country

Our generation opposes torture for terrorists but celebrates cop shootings

Stalin if he had a son it would look like Obama

Steinbeck on socialism poor are temporarily embarrassed millionaires

Liberals oppose happy meals for kids but approve abortion

Easier for world to accept simple lie than complex truth

We never pledged allegiance to UN flag

Women under traditionalism and feminism

Thomas Paine

Rape comes when people are not taught wrong from right

What movie will North Korea let us see this Christmas

Menorah and Nazi flag resist

Al Sharpton getting death threats call cops

Victims who shoot back live longer

If there's gay pride, there should be straight pride

Those who blamed Palin for shooting shocked when charge leveled at them

Never about guns always about control

Criminals before and after gun bans

Radical Christians not violent

Institutions designed to protect Obama

Torture v abortion

Obama speaks for thugs not cops

Every cop life matters