Making my dreams come true

Overflowing tip jarYesterday, as my little Bookworm and I were driving along, she turned to me and said, “You know what my dream job would be, Mom?  It want to be a singer who actually makes money and doesn’t have to have all sorts of other horrible jobs to pay the rent.”

Inspired, I said to her, “My dream job would be having a full-time political writing career and getting paid for it.”

Imagine my surprise when I came home and discovered that one of my readers, totally out of the blue, had made a donation to my site.  In other words, within hours of my voicing my dream came true!!  Admittedly, the money donated won’t pay my mortgage, but it was a generous amount and made me very happy.

Sometimes the timing on things is just perfect.

Also, while I’m talking about my site, please feel free to “like” my Bookworm Room Facebook page or friend me on my Sunny (Bookworm) Berman page.  (That’s a nom de cyber, by the way.)  I try to link most of my posts on those two pages so, if you’re a Facebook fan, friending or liking is a good way to see whether I’ve updated my site lately.  And of course, you can always feel free to follow me on Twitter.