Mom’s finally back home

(This is not my mother.)
(This is not my mother.)

Mom’s back in the skilled nursing facility in which she normally lives and not a moment too soon. Not only was the hospital experience bad for her, because even Marin General’s superior nurses can’t make up for the dislocation affecting a nonagenarian in the hospital, it was bad for me too. I truly lost a week of my life. I haven’t paid bills, returned phone calls, bought food, or done laundry. Indeed, the week was so thoroughly lost that I thought my beloved cleaning lady team was due next week instead of today. They come every two weeks and, for me, last week simply never happened.

The return home is good for my mom too. She knows and trusts the nurses, aides, and physical therapists in her community, and will get along much better with them. They also know her well, and will know how much to push her when it comes to the hard work of recovering. Her 11 day ordeal took a lot out of her and, while I’m certain she’ll be back to normal, it won’t be easy.

I’m going to regroup this afternoon and live in hope that I’ll regain some semblance of order in my life. That means getting back to blogging speed too. I’ve really missed my blogging.