The Bookworm Beat 1/6/16 — the illustrated “gun control” edition and open thread

When it comes to clever political insights reduced to cartoons and posters, the internet is the ultimate form of crowd-sourcing, producing the very best stuff. Moreover, after Obama’s Executive Orders and crocodile tears, people were unusually inspired:

Obama hypocrite on background checks

Public officials who take away guns should lose their guns

Obama not the person to talk about gun violence

Obama on background checks for guns and refugees

Never trust man who uses tears for gun arguments

Obama on gun violence ignores fast and furious

Obama cries like a psychopath

Gun control advocates say only state has good guns

Second Amendment exists to defend against tyranny

Syrian refugees and M and Ms

WWIII get our ass kicked

Livestock management and land control cowboys and indians

Diversity is a state of mind

Liberals think only conservatives are bad guys

18 year olds in WWII and today

Clinton on nuclear disarmament and North Korea

North Korea and nuke the Chinese