Found it on Facebook — pretend piety on the Left


sermon-on-the-mountOne of my Facebook friends, whom I keep because I find all sorts of fascinating Leftist memes on his wall, has a tendency to go over the top with posters and articles about how stupid and evil conservatives are, especially Trump-supporting conservatives.  Just yesterday, he proudly and loudly posted Ken Burns execrable, tacky, inappropriate political screech at the Stanford graduation.  That’s why I found it incredibly funny when this showed up on his wall:

Be kind to one another

It’s a great philosophy — it’s just not one that he follows.

Things got funnier later in the day when he posted this on Facebook:

Stupid leftists love they neighbor

I almost came back with a snarky riposte, only to realize that he’d unfriend me and I’d lose one of my main “Found it on Facebook” sources. So I saved the snark for you guys:

God and Mohammed on loving thy neighbor