Tag: Barbara Boxer

Barbara Boxer’s Orwellian defense of the way in which the new healthcare mandate advances religious freedom *UPDATED*

Barbara Boxer has taken to the pages of the Huffington Post to explain why the administration’s mandate that all insurers provide birth control, including drugs that induce abortion, advances rather than restricts, religious freedom.  If you like Orwell’s Newspeak, Boxer’s writing is a thing of beauty and will certainly be

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How to make yourself look like a very, very, very, very small human being *UPDATED*

Only someone with a self-image somewhere between a slug and bollweevil would feel compelled to do with Babs Boxer did.  Or, perhaps, someone very, very evil.  (Jill Biden should take note too): [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsGR83Imoto[/youtube] UPDATE:  At Blackfive, you can learn just how petty and ignorant Boxer was. This is all quibbling,

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