Tag: Iraq

Best analysis I’ve seen of Obama’s myriad failures re Iraq

Before today, I hadn’t heard of Frank Turek.  After today, I’m going to keep an eye out for his articles.  He’s written a really splendid article explaining how deeply, terribly wrong Obama’s every position is regarding Iraq.  Frankly, for those who are well-informed, there’s nothing in this article you haven’t

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The reality-based candidate

It’s no longer a phrase heard much anymore, but the Progressives used to title themselves “the reality based community.” They understood the real world, unlike the cruel, self-centered, self-serving conservatives surrounding them. Of course, that being the case, Obama must be the reality based candidate. However, Cheat-Seeking Missiles, riffing off

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I finally figured out what Obama reminds me of

Here’s a good video showing Obama’s constantly revolving position on Iraq (h/t Hot Air): [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHEIi4XKRmM&eurl=http://hotair.com/archives/2008/07/17/new-mccain-video-the-obama-iraq-documentary/[/youtube] And, given the way Obama’s head is flipping left and right as he keeps doing a 180 on his Iraq position, I couldn’t help thinking of poor little Linda Blair’s head: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qG5V2iBvFs&feature=related[/youtube]

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Victory might be ours

I love Dean Barnett’s column explaining how much Bush and our military have achieved In Iraq and deservedly castigating the Democrats who would, first, deny that any victory is within our sights and, second, give the credit for American perseverance, strength and fortitude to the Iranians.

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Why you shouldn’t cut off your nose to spite your face

I’ve been finding very disturbing the intense hostility that conservatives direct against John McCain. So much so that I wrote a very long rant on the subject, which American Thinker was kind enough to publish and which I reprint below: Perhaps because I’m a neocon, and not a dyed-in-the-wool, native-born

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