Tag: Rita Hayworth

A debate about young people’s behavior at CPAC highlights our culture’s inability to distinguish between things that are sexy and things that are vulgar. *UPDATED*

I’ve got sex on the mind today.  (How’s that for a great opening sentence?)  It actually has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with a confluence of posts and statements that came my way within the last couple of days. It all started when Erick Erickson put

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A lost, classy culture

I was watching You Were Never Lovelier, and my 12 year old son walked in the room just as Rita Hayworth launched into the song below.  “Pretty?” I asked.  “Beautiful,” he replied, in an awed voice.  For a generation raised on Lady Gaga, this is like watching angels: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYXHeP9PydQ[/youtube]

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