The Bookworm Beat (10/24/14) — Illustrated edition, and Open Thread

I’m working on a post with words.  This post is pictures only (with many thanks to Caped Crusader):

Statue of liberty tired hungry infected masses

Kim Kardashian and ebola statistics

Smart people join the Marines

Boots on the ground soldier's sacrifice

Female pilots bombing ISIS

Can't be a liberal and call yourself grown up

Obama flagging critics

Obama -- Islam's bitch

Obama's energy plan

Supporting immigrants who don't cheat

If voting Democrat solves black problems, why are blacks still in trouble

Cast your vote in honor of the Benghazi four

There are a few Obama will leave behind

showing ID doesn't stop welfare sign-ups

The revolting little girls who swear for feminism

Obama fights only imaginary war on women

Henry Waxman -- the un-Founder

Obama's new Ebola czar's medical experience equals Dr Pepper

Polar bears' population soars playing on ice not drowning