[VIDEO] Obama is worse than Chamberlain ever was

Obama as Neville ChamberlainA lot of people have been likening Obama to Neville Chamberlain, insofar as it was Neville Chamberlain who thought he could strike a grand bargain with Hitler to create “peace in our time.” There were a few things in Chamberlain’s favor: First, Hitler pretended to be a friend to England. Second, Hitler hadn’t killed any Englishmen in the lead-up to those negotiations. Chamberlain was a trusting fool, but not an evil man. Indeed, Churchill welcomed Chamberlain into his newly formed government and wept when he died.

Second, as Ben Shapiro’s video makes clear, Obama is willingly entering into a deal with the Devil, and selling America’s soul to do it. Iran is making no pretense of being a friend to America. Instead, it’s increasing its rhetoric. In addition, as Ben points out, Iran has the blood of thousands of American troops on its hand. In other words, this isn’t a treaty negotiation, it’s a surrender.

And here’s one more thing showing that Obama is infinitely worse than Chamberlain ever imagined: Obama is deliberately lying about a long-standing ally in order to seal his deal with the Devil and, as a pleasing byproduct, to watch that one-time ally get destroyed. But why should we be surprised?  If you’ve already sold your soul, a little thing such as aiming a howitzer at a friend really isn’t going to bother you.