Tag: Doublethink

Wittes Impeachment Trump Derangement Syndrome

Benjamin Wittes and witless logic about Trump

The Benjamin Wittes “I believe” tweetstorm about Trump, intended to expose conservative “Doublethink,” instead exposed Leftist irrationality and ignorance. The anti-Trump blogosphere, both Leftists and #NeverTrumpers, is excited about an endless series of tweets from Benjamin Wittes all intended, in a sarcastic way, to challenge Trump and his supporters. Before

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George Orwell 1984 Orwellian

[VIDEO] “Orwellian” government is worse than authoritarian government

Orwellian government is not just repressive government; it is a government that seeks to reprogram your brain by controlling facts and language. With Trump’s election, Progressives have suddenly rediscovered both Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, her turgid 1980s attack on the Moral Majority and George Orwell’s 1984 (Signet Classics), one

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