Soylent Green nation
Rumors about organ harvesting surface constantly when it comes to China, and they probably have a good foundation given that, working through China, you can get any organ you need, any time. Now, Jay Nordlinger comes with a fairly detailed report (with lots of links) that China is using Falun Gong practitioners as their preferred organ providers. It's a story that deserves reading on its own and in conjunction with the post I did yesterday on the officially sanctioned infant killing spree in Holland.
The conclusion I draw from both these stories is that the Judeo-Christian doctrine is one of the highest forms of humane thinking. Neither Communism nor Secular thinking offer something as simple as God's order: "Choose life."
Some time ago, I wrote a column for American Thinker about how the Democrats are embracing a culture of death in America. To toot my own horn, it bears re-reading, since I think we stand at the beginning of the slippery slope, and China and Holland remind us of where that slope goes.