Proud to be an American
DQ again. I'm a NASCAR fan, but I normally TiVo the races and skip the long opening ceremonies. Today, there was nothing much else on, so I watched the race and the ceremonies live. I was struck by the pure pride in America that infused those ceremonies. It's sad that almost the only time we see real pride in America is in a time-eating ceremony before a sporting event that is televised mainly to provide time for more commercials.
We have so much to be proud of in America. We have done more good in the world, by our actions and by our example, that any other nation in history. We judge ourselves harshly, but only because we set a higher standard for ourselves than any nation ever has. We make excuses for everyone else, but never for ourselves. Others can teach hate and target innocent civilians, and we tsk-tsk but do not really condemn, because we do not expect more of others. Others attack our most sacred institutions, and we sympathize rather than defend. But let our soldiers or politicians misstep and we are unceasing in our condemnation.
I'm proud to be an American. I'm proud we hold ourselves to the highest possible standard. I only wish we didn't act like we're ashamed of who we are and what we have accomplished. And I wish we held others to the same high standard.