Where is NOW now?
Phyllis Chesler writes movingly about the fact that Western women, obsessed as they are with abortion and Palestinian rights, have been shockingly silent regarding the treatment the Dutch have meted out to Ayaan Ali Hirsi. Among other things, Chesler has this to say:
The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) has offered Hirsi Ali a position. Karlyn Bowman of AEI tells me that “President Christopher DeMuth extended the offer to her on May 16 to become a resident scholar.” Ali had visited AEI last year and spoke to a small group, who were “impressed by her extraordinary odyssey and by her courage, charmed by her easy manner, and also impressed by the scholarly projects she wants to pursue.”
So, one of the world’s leading feminists has been offered a safe perch by a conservative think tank. I am not surprised. My own views about Islamic gender- and religious-apartheid have been received warmly and respectfully by conservatives, while such views have been attacked by many feminists as ”white nationalist” and ”racist.” To the best of my knowledge, the American feminist movement, with its vast access to university positions, has not offered Hirsi Ali a perch. Perhaps multi-culturally correct feminists are ambivalent about challenging Islamist misogyny—lest they too be censured as “racists” or threatened with death. Indeed, as I document in my book The Death of Feminism: What’s Next in the Struggle for Women’s Freedom, among most feminists, race trumps gender. Many feminists are now more concerned with the alleged “occupation” of Palestine than with the occupation of women’s bodies under Islam, and they tend to blame America and Israel for the sins of Islam.
I can't add to Chesler's solid writing on the subject. I can just urge you to read the whole thing, here.
(By the way, the picture I've used is of Iranian officials prepping an Iranian woman to be stoned to death. You can read more about that here.)
UPDATE: Usually, when I visit American Thinker and read the articles, my head is nodding up and down like one of those dog thingies that used to appear in the back of cars in the 1960s. That's why I'm always pleased to have my articles published there. Today, though, the American Thinker had an article by a Dutchman that had my head frozen in place. The Dutchman entire defends Holland's decision to "throw the baggage out" and accuses Hirsi of lying, totalitarian conduct. I'm confused. Regarding the lying, well, everyone has known since 1997 that she lied on her asylum request. The writer is also outraged that she came to Holland "to better herself." Considering that she was being forced into a marriage under misogynist regime and, if I remember correctly, had already been subject to an extreme female circumcision, bettering herself sounds like a reasonable idea. Anyway, read the article and see what you think.