Too much excitement

I’d started a really good post on something or other, when my daughter came running into the house screaming that my son was injured. I dropped everything and headed out the front door. I heard him crying before I saw him. What I saw was a white t-shirt stained with blood and a very unhappy little guy clutching his mouth. He’d taken a fall and his mouth bore the brunt of it.

I’m happy to report that an emergency trip to the dentist did not reveal any serious damage. His gums are unhappy and his roots are bruised, but the dentist said he’s almost certain to have a perfect recovery. He’ll be on soft foods for a week or two and then it will be just a memory. My poor little guy, though. This was also the year he had pneumonia. We’ll hope that he’s now done with all his trauma.

In any event, I have absolutely no memory about my planned wonderful post. (The posts that get away are always as wonderful as the fish that get away are big.) In any event, I’m so worn out from too many projects that I’ve felt decidedly uninspired about writing the past few days.

I also feel with the ceasefire in Israel just as I felt with the election in Connecticut: it’s significant, but only time will tell how the thing finally shakes out. One can make educated guesses, but the long term consequences aren’t immediately apparent. Both events, for all that they’re startling, are really only intermediary steps on the way to larger, unknown things.