Yes, many are unpatriotic
I’ve got work to do, but I wanted to get a thought off my chest (or out of my head). Many in the anti-War movement try to cut debate off at the knees by claiming that their opponents are slandering them by calling them unpatriotic. The notion is that to call someone unpatriotic is an ad hominem attack, not a substantive point. True. I’ll just state my thesis and see what you think.
It was entirely legitimate in 2002/2003 to oppose the U.S. decision to go to War. It is entirely legitimate now to be unhappy with the war, especially if you opposed it in the first place. However, I do not believe a U.S. citizen can legitimately work to undermine the U.S. the war by giving aid, comfort and information to the enemy. And when I say aid, I include the relentless effort to demonize Americans in the hopes of undermining troops and forcing withdrawal. That is, when debate and news coverage are more favorable to the other side, and relentlessly unfavorable to your own, you are engaging in psychological warfare against your own country. And when I talk about information to the enemy, I’m talking about repeatedly using the American media to expose highly-classified intelligence secrets. It’s one thing to dislike a war; it’s another thing to try to get your own country to lose.
Now, go ahead and blast me for saying that.