A tale of two approaches to the media

Angelina Jolie generally doesn’t even make it as a blip on my radar. To say I find her uninteresting is already to accord her too much space in my brain — except, that is, for today, when a headline in the New York Times piqued my interest, not because it was about Jolie, but because it was about how the press turns on people. The story is called “After All That Goodness, a Sudden Fall From Grace,” and purports to track Jolie’s upward trajectory from slut to sainted mother of adopted children, and then her rapid journey back down again to Britney style bad mom. It’s the bad mom thing that intrigues me. I hadn’t paid any attention to the bad mom story originally, so I accepted as true the NYTimes article’s first paragraph describing Jolie-the-bad-mother:

Before she set a toe on the red carpet at the Golden Globes last week, Angelina Jolie