A true Obamination
I don’t believe in kicking someone when he’s down — or, at least, I don’t believe in launching the first kick once he’s already fallen. I say that because I hope all of you appreciate that I’ve disliked Obama from the get-go. If you check my categories on the side, and look at my Obama posts, you’ll see that I’ve been blogging against him consistently when he was a flash on the horizon and when he was touted as the second coming. I therefore feel completely comfortable in continuing my anti-Obama posts now that he’s starting to slide down popularity’s ladder.
Given my deep dislike for this man, I was only slightly surprised to read Richard Benkin’s long article detailing the fact that Obama, unlike every other Senator or House member that Benkin approached, men and women of all political stripes, was the only person who did not lift a political finger to help Bangladeshi dissident and free speech hero Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury in the fight for his life. This story, if nothing else, should irrevocably tarnish what little is left of Obama’s halo.