On the road, turn the other cheek

When I was a little girl, I loved reading Dear Abby.  One letter I’ve always remembered came from a woman who wrote saying, “As I write this, my jaw is wired shut….”  The story was that she arrived at a parking space at the same time as another woman and, when the other woman shot in the space, the letter writer yelled at the interloper.  To her surprise, the other woman jumped out of the car and socked her one.

I think this story stuck in my psyche, because I’ve always been loath to confront other drivers.  I worry that there’s going to be a crazy lady behind the steering wheel.

I mention all this because I read a horrific story today about a man whose only mistake was to grimace at the crazy driver.  For all of you, please remember that the minute or two of time you save on the freeway by cutting in front of someone, or the block of walking you save by getting that parking place, may not be worth it.