One of those days

Blogging will be nonexistent this morning, although I may be able to pick it up a little in the afternoon.  This is one of those “all about the kids” Saturdays, with my son having a musical performance 40 miles from here, my daughter having swimming time trials all morning, my son having a baseball game followed by a team picnic followed by a slumber party, my daughter having a slumber party, and my husband and I having tickets to a show.  I’ve made a promise to myself not to sleep through the show.

Hope all of you enjoy a great day.  Also, subject to the usual rules of civility that govern this blog, feel free to use this post as an open thread.  The one thing is that, if your comment gets eaten by the Askimet maw, it will be several hours before I’m able to force Askimet to regurgitate and let your comment see the light of day (which is longer than the usual 1 hour day time turnaround I have for Askimet releases).