Me, me, me, meme

The Glittering Eye has tagged me with this one and it sounds like fun, so I’m having a run with it. The rules are strict:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Present an image of martial discord from whatever period or situation you’d like.

Here are the seven facts:

  1. I’m a teetotaler, not by principle, but by preference.  I worry that, because I don’t drink, my kids won’t grow up seeing socially responsible drinking.
  2. My favorite food is Mountain High plain yogurt with Guittard semi-sweet chocolate chips stirred in.
  3. I haven’t slept through the night since I’ve had children.
  4. I have a Phi Beta Kappa key buried somewhere in a drawer.
  5. I talk too much — and manage to sublimate some of that verbal energy by blogging.
  6. If being analytical is a good quality in a parent, I’m a very good parent.
  7. My blog is way too important to me.

And here’s the martial image:

We Americans can and will win over tremendous odds to advance freedom.

I tag my original blog friends, all of whom go back to my earliest days blogging:

Paragraph Farmer

Cheat-Seeking Missiles

PalmTree Pundit

Flopping Aces

Crossing the Rubicon

CDR Salamander (who is away on business and may take a while to get back on this one)

Out of the Binjo Ditch