Watching those weasels

While Terry Trippany continues to get up to speed as the new Watcher, The Razor has graciously agreed to host the temporarily peripatetic Watcher’s Council.  Here are the nominations which, as always, look and, I know, will be interesting.  By the way, without having read any of them, my vote for most clever title goes to Soccer Dad.  If you don’t get the reference, this will explain.

Soccer Dad: Hello martyr, hello fatah
The Glittering Eye: Strategic Objectives in Afghanistan
Bookworm Worm: Marin County’s Hidden Conservatives
Cheat Seeking Missiles: Time to Fire Bob Herbert
Done With Mirrors: Heroes
Rhymes with Right: What is a Windfall Profit?
The Razor: Red Man in a Blue Family
Colossus of Rhodey: Obama Wants Slavery Reparations
Wolf Howling: PartIII: Why Exploit Our Domestic Resources
Joshuapundit: Winning in Afghanistan

Elder of Ziyon: The definitive version of Hello martyr, hello fatah
Classical Values: Obama Be
American Thinker: Time for an Indifferent World to Take a Stand
Spiegel Online: China’s Summer of Living Dangerously
New York Times: Grim News for a Paper in New Jersey
Neptunus Lex: A Difficult Man
The Donegal Express: A Karate Man Bleeds on the Inside! Billy Ray Valentine
American Prospect: Our CEOs, Their Foreign Agents
Sigmund, Carl and Alfred: The Forgotten Christians of Lebanon
The Baseball Crank: Politics: Racist Campaign Ad Watch