Expiation on our backs

This election is forcing liberals, especially rich liberals, to admit two things that they’ve long implied and never stated:  The liberals rich want to expiate their economic guilt by raising our taxes.  And the racist liberals want to expiate their racial sins by electing a . . . yes, she’s going to say it . . . token black to the White House.

I have a couple of suggestions for these people:

If you feel guilty for having too much money, give it away.  I don’t have too much, I don’t feel guilty, and I don’t want you to reach your hand into my pocket to absolve yourself of your own guilt.

If you feel guilty about America’s racial history, please don’t address that sin by turning the country over to the most secretive, incompetent, far Left loony who has ever made a run for the White House.  If you need a token black (there, I’ve said it again), why don’t you pick someone who is rational, accomplished and moderate?

And if you need the personal touch to drown out your guilt, rather than giving my country away, why don’t you let expiation start at home:  Donate your house to Glide Memorial Church, give your car away to poor black people who don’t live without easy walking distance of work, empty your bank account into an all black school, or think of some other creative transfer of wealth that doesn’t involve me or the government.

And please keep in mind that this post is not a slap at blacks.  This post is a slap at White liberals who want to turn our country into some massive social experiment so that they can feel better about themselves.  It’s taking the self-involved, feel-good notions of the 1970s (an idea that resulted in under-performing, massively arrogant children when tested in the schools), and applying it to our whole country.

Incidentally, I figured out last night the difference between me and an embittered liberal.  Mr. Bookworm and I were making vacation plans.  This is a tedious job, since it involves tens of hours (sometimes hundreds) looking for affordable vacations.  As we were working away, it occurred to me that a lot of people I know book their vacations without a blink.  They think of a place they want to go — and money is no object.  Now, here’s the difference between me and an embittered Lefty:  Rather than wanting to destroy their wealth and ability just to pick a place and go there (that would by the statist/Communist approach), I simply wished that I could do what they do (that would be the envy spurs Capitalist energy and initiative approach).

I’ll leave you with an old joke:

First man:  Come, the Revolution, we’ll all drive Rolls Royces.

Second man:  But I don’t want to drive a Rolls Royce.

First man:  Come the Revolution, you’ll have to.

A darkly funny joke when it first appeared in the 40s or 50s, because everyone knew that, come the Revolution, peasants were starving to death in the mud.