Viva la difference!
First, I have to give you the money quote from the article. Then, as you try to figure it out, I’ll fill you in on the story:
“You don’t necessarily have to have had gender reassignment surgery, but you could just define yourself as a man, feel very masculine in yourself, feel that in fact being a woman is not who you are.
Confused? Well, yes, but so are a lot of people. You see, the University of Manchester, in response to unnumbered complaints from transgendered people, have done away with men’s and women’s rooms and, instead, classified restrooms as “toilets” and “toilets with urinals.” The quotation above is from a “women’s officer,” explaining precisely why the University thought this change was necessary:
Women’s officer Jennie Killip refused to say how many people had complained, and there are no figures for how many transgender people there are among the university’s 35,000 population.
She said: “If you were born female, still presently quite feminine, but defined as a man you should be able to go into the men’s toilets.
“You don’t necessarily have to have had gender reassignment surgery, but you could just define yourself as a man, feel very masculine in yourself, feel that in fact being a woman is not who you are.
“Transgender people can face violence and abuse when they go into toilets and we wanted to provide a place where they can feel comfortable.
“I have had complaints from people who said we didn’t have any facilities for them.”
I find it suspicious, of course, that Killip refuses to number those complaints. Be honest: Just how many transgendered people really are suffering potty confusion over in Manchester?
Not everyone is as thrilled with the change as Killip clearly is, but even the students who complain seem incapable of phrasing their complaints without falling back on their own PC victimhood (that is, raising one victim group against another):
Second-year student Jane McConnell, 19, a news editor on the Student Direct student newspaper, said: “While these signs might be appropriate for people with different sexualities, I also think that many people from different religious and ethnic groups are going to feel uncomfortable using these facilities.
“Even though they’re just two signs, at the end of the day, toilets should be for women and for men specifically, not for both.”
Although it may be hard to believe reading this post, I have sympathy for people who are sexually confused. I can only imagine that it’s a hell of a life and that it does carry with it certain very real inconveniences. Nevertheless, the university’s decision to abandon biology entirely and pretend on the basis of “unnumbered” complaints that the differences between the sexes are merely a product of any given individual’s self-perception is a form of intellectual dishonesty that really takes my breath away.
Frankly, even there really is a problem, how about digging into the university budget and springing for a few bathrooms with a single toilet and a sink that can be used by either gender, on a one-at-a-time basis?
It’s the end of the world as we know it.