Let’s mess with their heads at PBS

I got this in the mail, and love it.  Someone at Anchoress’ blog also had the nice idea of getting a universal remote control and, if technologically possible, messing with the CNN that blares away in every airport, bar, car rental place, etc.

A “vote” is being taken by NOW on PBS, expecting that their 80% liberal viewers will dominate. Let’s prove that wrong. Send to every non-liberal you know. Let’s get some balance into the voting group. This is the easiest vote you will ever make. It takes literally two seconds. Let’s turn this around!!! Click and Vote.


PBS has a short video on Sarah Palin on their website. Also included is a poll that asks: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be VP? I logged on a few minutes ago and 38% percent had voted YES, 60% NO. Let’s turn this around….. You don’t have to give your name or email address in order to vote. It’s very simple.

When we talk about qualification for a vice president, I would like to add that The vice President for President Roosevelt’s 4th term was an 8 year senator without any college credits, only a high school education. This was during a WORLD WAR with a disabled president that hid from the nation his state of health. The new vice president, with no college became President 3 months following Roosevelt’s innaguration in January of 1945. Harry Truman today is historically ranked as one of the best 10 presidents of the United States.
