The Dress

I don’t feel like blogging today.  I’m working on a post-election plan, but it hasn’t come to fruition yet, and I’m feeling a little in limbo right now, just watching things play out.

However, I do want you to know that I have an opinion on “the dress” (that would be the dress that Michelle Obama wore to the victory party):  It’s hideous, making Obama look like a fat lady caught in an explosion. What was she thinking?  We will assume that this was a neophyte’s mistake, and that she will never again be caught in something so awful.

Stick to J. Crew, Michelle.  You can’t go wrong with the affordable classics — and considering that your husband’s whole candidacy is based on class warfare, it would be tacky for you to attire yourself in costly designer clothing on a regular basis (especially if it’s ugly costly designer clothing).

Indeed, considering that your husband seems to have Marxist tendencies (although we hope he’ll govern to the center), why don’t you take a page out of the Soviet playbook and dress the way Mrs. Brezhnev and Mrs. Andropov did in those far away glory days of the Soviet Union?  (And yes, that’s an old joke, but those over 40 vividly remember the almost hyper-frumpiness that characterized the wives of Soviet premiers during the 1960s and 1970s.)