An “I’m still here” open thread

Between soccer, martial arts, soccer, martial arts and errands (yes, it’s been that kind of day), I haven’t thought of anything to blog about and I haven’t had either the time or energy in any event.

Also, we’re in the lull.  There’s just not that much to blog about when the big news is that Obama made a mean-spirited remark during his first press conference and then apologized.  It was either a neophyte’s error or a sign of things to come — we’ll find out, so there’s no use commenting.  It’s wait and see time.

As for Rahm Emanuel — that’s also a wait and see.  As Richard Baehr said in an email, Emanuel a religious Jew, reasonably observant, and has tight ties to Israel, but his politics probably march in lockstep with the Clinton administration, which is to say that, while he’s committed to Israel’s survival, he believes it can be achieved by getting her to concede and concede and concede.  In any event, as Baehr also pointed out, Emanuel is an administrator, not a policy maker.  When it comes to policy, Obama’s other appointees (especially Secretary of State) will be much more interesting.  Nevertheless, it looks as if Obama plans to run a tight ship, and that’s always a good thing administratively.  So, we’ll see.

I don’t know when I’ll blog next, but I suspect it may not be until Sunday afternoon.  I’m still working on a new project I hope to unveil in the next couple of weeks, and it’s sucking up a bit of my mental energy, not to mention my time.

For the time being, consider this an open thread and have at it!