Bookworm stuff
Lissa tagged me for a meme that hit too close to home for me even to think of failing to participate. It is, after all, about books. Here are the rules:
Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL!
As it happened, the closest book was the school directory and, given the private information contained in that one, I had to pass, so I chose the next closest book: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. So, for your enjoyment and edification:
an-te-pe-nul-ti-mate [I’ll skip the phonetic bit ’cause of all the little code things] adj. Second from the last; third from the end in a series. —n. An antepenult. [Late Latin antepaenultimus : Latin ANTE- + paenultimus, PENULT.]
Whew! Glad that’s done. And now to decide which of my blog friends will enjoy an equally silly moment with a book at their sides. I’m going to skip the usual suspects (meaning, I’m going to skip the people I chose for the last meme in which I participated about a year or two ago) and go for an entirely new group of friends. How about:
1. Ymarsakar
Go to it, guys and gals. And have fun.