What to do with the guilty parties

It turns out that Don Quixote was less than pleased with my J’Accuse post because he thought I was heading into the anti-democratic territory of saying American people don’t deserve the vote.  I wasn’t saying that at all.  My core point is that Democrats, like wild animals, do what they do.  You can’t expect that, once elected, they’ll suddenly change their behavior.  You can place a lion in a field of beautiful, rich, juicy, flavorful carrots, but he’s still going to play hunt the bunny.  What we as voters ought to be doing is keeping those Democratic lions away from our nice, juice, rich American treasury.

We don’t cure this voter problem by taking away the vote.  We cure it by education — and the Democrats know this very well, which is why they’re trying to take away talk radio, the major educational medium out there today.

Right now, even though there is alternative media (at least for now), the problem with so many American people isn’t that they’re fervent ideologues who cling bitterly to their ABC, NBC and CNN.  Instead, it’s that they don’t realize that these media do not encompass the universe of ideas and facts, and that there are in fact reasonable alternatives.  (And even if they know the alternatives exist, they don’t accept that they’re reasonable, since the MSM has so comprehensively denigrated them for decades.)

For these voters, either because of ignorance or propaganda, the information to be had from alternative sources of information is simply a known unknown that the voters have yet to explore; instead, it is an unknown unknown that is completely outside their imaginings.  To them, if Katie Couric says it, it must be so.  You don’t need to look further, because nothing further exists.  These average, non-politically oriented people live in a completely finite informational universe.

For those of you who are fans of Star Trek : The Next Generation, you can understanding what I mean by thinking of that episode entitled Remember Me, in which Dr. Crusher gets trapped in a shrinking universe.  The nature of this alternative universe is that she is the only one aware that people and things are disappearing.  The people who actually inhabit this world instantly forget each disappeared person, and are completely content to accept that a ship met to have a complement of 1200 has only 5 people.  So too our average, non-political, reasonably informed American constantly accepts the MSM’s reality, no matter how illogical it is, and refuses to contemplate that that there may different data out there.

Ack!  Carpool time.