Horrors! Nothing to say.

Well, I read the papers this morning, and visited my favorite blogs — and left them all uninspired.  I can’t blame the papers or the blogs.  It’s just that nothing I read triggered anything in my brain.

One of the things I like to do when I blog is see patterns.  Here, the pattern is a numbing gray monotone that one could easily predict even a year ago:  Obama is a rigid Leftist ideologue, but lacks the experience to carry out his plans efficiently. (To which I guess we should say, Thank God!)

As to the inefficiency, it’s almost impressive that, with a Democratic run Senate, House and White House, the Obama administration still needs to scapegoat Jews and Rush to explain its own myriad inefficiencies.  Except it’s not impressive at all.  As a citizen of this great Republic, it’s merely depressing to see this rush to the bottom.

I’ll continue to scan the news and blogs today and promise to post if anything catches my eye, but I’m really not seeing an interesting, overarching pattern here — just a single straight line heading downwards.