Obama’s Great Leap Forward *UPDATED*
If you were wondering what Obama and the maniacal Democrats were doing, James Lewis finally puts a name to it. It’s the Great Leap Forward:
Even the Europeans are resisting hyper-deficits, because Europe always has that memory of the 1920s and 30s: hyperinflation, unemployment, crushing poverty and despair, followed by Hitler and Stalin. They are refusing to follow Obama down that road. If the dollar crashes, they don’t want the euro to go down with it.
Super-deficits are bad for the country and for the world, but the Obamanites are sleep-walking, hypnotized by an idée fixe, and it’s unvarnished socialism. They expect the US to get to socialism in one great leap, guided by the Great One. If it takes even more of a crisis, with real suffering spreading nationwide, so be it. They are ready to see other people go down.
It took Western Europe five decades to get that far down the road to decadence, and they had the US military to protect them while they were doing it. As a result, even today they may not be able to produce a heavy lift military transport aircraft; that’s how much they have diverted their resources from self-defense to vote buying.
But Obama wants to do it, oh, about ten times as fast as Europe did, and steal the money from the Veterans Administration to boot. What Obama contemplates doing to the VA tells us everything we need to know about his plans for socialized medicine. He will take the money wherever he can steal it, whether the US government has made solemn commitments to care for wounded vets or not.
UPDATE: Showing the ability to hold two thoughts at the same time, Obama is not only a Maoist visionary, he’s an ordinary corrupt capitalist too. (H/T: Dr. Melissa Clouthier.)