So much for eternal truths

Am I the only one to be a bit surprised by Tony Blair’s chutzpah?  He’s been Catholic for about a year, and he is already presuming to tell the Pope that the Church’s doctrine is wrong and should be changed.

Perhaps, ex-PM Blair, you should have converted to a different faith.  After all, it’s not as if the Chuch kept secret its principles on such fraught modern topics as abortion and homosexuality.  In a religious marketplace, maybe you should have shopped around a bit more for a church that will bend with every trend.

And we should all be grateful that, if you’re lucky enough not to live in a Muslim country, there is a a marketplace for religion.  This competition for the faithful means that, if the Church loses too many people because its doctrines are untenable, it has the choice of changing (which it has done in the past) or of drawing a line in the sand and determining that sticking to certain principles is more important than competition.  It’s certainly not up to newbies with high profiles to launch into public critiques of the faith they so recently adopted.