Hurrah! Hezbollah defeated in Lebanon — and other stuff

This is seriously good news:  despite unprecedented Iranian funding for Hezbollah in the Lebanese elections, Lebanese voters rejected Hezbollah resoundingly.

And Obama must be mulling the fact that right of center parties won all across Europe.  Now, admittedly, even Europe’s right is often to the left of America’s Left, but it still shows a resounding rejection of Europe’s previous policies of tax, spend and invite every radical Islam in the world into your country.

Or maybe Obama’s not paying attention.  As part of his wealth redistribution, he’s planning on taxing the rich to fund universal health care.  A doctor I know is very excited about this.  He thinks federal funding will mean that there’s just more money floating around for doctors.  He doesn’t seem to appreciate that he who pays the piper calls the tune — and whenever the government pays the medical piper, the tune is dismal indeed.