Islam in America or Islamist America?

Here’s your matched set for today:

Richard Baehr comments on Obama’s allegiance to Islam.

Pamela Geller points out that radical Islamists groups that explicitly seek to overthrow America and replace it with a caliphate are staging coming out parties.

And to those who feel like saying that we’re being just as bad as 1930s Nazis were about the Jews, Geller’s point perfectly explains the difference.  The Jews did and said nothing that would indicate their desire to overthrow and take over any nation.  Germans made up the conspiracy out of whole cloth, and used the complete absence of evidence as proof of the Jews secret intentions.

The Islamists are a bit different.  In every country, in every venue, they loudly proclaim their desire to overthrow the Western world (and America particularly), and replace it with their particularly brutal and repressive form of Islam.  In other words, we’re not imaging the threat.  It’s loudly stated.

Given the actual facts on the ground (rather than some PC misinformation), there is in fact a Nazi analogy here, but it’s not the “conservatives are the Nazis and Muslims are the Jews” analogy the Left tries to make.  Instead, The correct Nazi analogy would be that Americans and Westerners are the Jews and the Islamists are the Nazis.  This is so because, the Islamists, like the Nazis are open in their stated intention to overthrow the government, take over the country and wipe out the enemy.

As a little Jewish man said in the wake of WWII, when someone says he’s going to kill you, take him seriously.