WMDs found — by guest blogger ElanaMama

For all the hue and cry surrounding the 8 years of Bush/Cheney and the absence of WMD’s, the real WMD story broke this week:


The heretofore unknown weapon’s grade is Weymouth, Medicine, Democrats/Denial

Katherine Weymouth, owner of the Washington Post, denied promoting the immediate destruction of the USA by selling access to what was once known as the free press and blamed subordinates for not properly “vetting” an invitation.

Incredibly, once upon a time, reporters vetted the government, not invitations.  Under the current administration, however, this tactic is no longer needed because the concept formerly known as “independent reporting” and the White House have merged and become one entity.

To further bolster her defense, Weymouth stated that the $19.5 million that the Washington Post lost during the first quarter of 2009 justifies plans to “bring together Washington figures as a future revenue source”.

Unsurprisingly, the White House has remained silent while Americans gather and ready themselves for July 4th, a day for celebrating our independence.  It seems unconcerned by the fact that, 233 years after the fact that our forefathers brought forth a new nation conceived in liberty, we have now become prisoners of our own system.

This new revolution (or un-revolution?) took place without a single gun fired or army marching.  All we saw was the silence of too many who wanted change and followed their leader blindly.