The chart the Dems don’t want you to see

Apparently there is now an IQ test for Congressional Democrats.  If you test too high, you’re disqualified.  How else can one explain, in this day and age of alternative media, the Dems’ decision to prevent Republicans from sending out this chart, which is the Republican view of the current health care debate.

Note that I say “debate,” about health care, rather than “plan.”  It’s a misstatement to say the Dems have a plan.  The Dems have several inchoate pseudo-plans out there, all of which are united by the fact that they’re expensive bureaucratic nightmares.  That is, even if the chart’s details are inaccurate, its principle point about the Democratic idea for health care reform — a Byzantine bureaucratic, ineffectual, government-run disaster-in-the-making — is right on the money.