Speaking of fear mongering

The current charge from Democrats (who control the White House and both houses of Congress), is that Republican operatives are engaging in fear mongering by sending either complicitous or naive little old men and women to town halls to harrass innocent Congress people with mean questions.  Bad Republicans!  Bad!

But really, when it comes to fear mongering, can you top this “final renewal notice”* I received in today’s mail from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (with my comments)?

Your 2009 membership renewal contribution is urgently needed.

Massively funded Republican attacks on Congressional Democrats are growing more intense every day.

Recently, Congressional Republicans received $2 million from their national campaign committee to attack Democrats with misleading and dishonest TV ads that distort Democratic votes for President Obama’s agenda for change.  [First, in the world of today’s politics, $2 million is chump change.  Second, this is conclusory at best.  And third, that’s what the opposition party is supposed to do if it disagrees deeply with the other side’s agenda.]

Republicans are continuing to obstruct President Obama’s agenda hoping he “fails” in his effort to reform health care, curb climate change and restart the economy.  [I love that “Republicans are continuing to obstruct” bit.  Did I mention that Democrats have complete control over the White House and Congress?  Republicans can holler, but they can’t stop anything.  I also like the quotation marks around “fails.”  To the ordinary reader, this is an out and out grammatical error, since fails is not standing in as a euphemistic substitute for a different word.  However, to the savvy reader, this quoted word is meant to inspire Rush Limbaugh fear.] Their only goal is to defeat 50 vulnerable Democrats and take back control of Congress in 2010.  [Of course it’s the Republicans’ goal.  There’s nothing nefarious here, scare tactics notwithstanding.  We live in a two party Democracy.  Of course we want power back, especially since we profoundly disagree with the Dems, not on peripheral issues but on core matters.  Duh.]

Your 2009 membership contribution is urgently needed to defend Democrats against deceptive and relentless Republican attacks on them and their support for President Obama.  [I find two things interesting here.  First, it’s the third mention of Obama, so Dems are definitely not distancing themselves from him, despite his rapidly declining popularity amongst independents.  Dems still believe the base is committed.  Although my staunchly Democratic Mom told my sister that she, that is, my Mom is “deeply disillusioned with Obama.”  Second, I find interesting the note of panic here.  Not to get Republican hopes up, but the DCCC is worried, or is trying to use its bases’ worry, that Democrats’ hold on power is tenuous, at best.] Democrats are fighting to move America forward, but we can’t do it without your continuing support.  [Did I mention that these helpless Democrats have complete, filibuster-proof control over both Houses, plus a friend in the White House who will never veto anything they do?]

Interesting, nu?


*The phrase “final renewal notice” is itself funny because there’s nothing to renew.  While I was for years a registered Democrat, I don’t believe I’ve ever given money to the DCCC.