Month: September 2009

Death by government

First, a joke, one I’ve told before: In long ago Japan or China (or amongst the Eskimos, or something else), a young boy came across his father carry a large basket on his back. In the basket was the boy’s grandfather. He asked, “Father, where are you taking grandfather?” “Shh,”

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It turns out that, in a little corner of Afghanistan, there’ll always be an England

Before their cultural implosion, the English had a reputation for bravery and sangfroid.  Although they are taking a beating in Afghanistan (in large part because the morally bankrupt Labour government refuses to give them necessary support), the troops on the ground are still fighting, dying and showing extraordinary bravery under

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Don’t like Socialized medicine? You’re a Right Wing domestic terrorist. *UPDATED*

I bet you didn’t know that, if you oppose the government takeover of our American medical system, you’re a Right Wing domestic terrorist.  Lucky for you, Obama’s campaign organization, “Organizing for America,” explains who you are, and encourages Obama-bots to fight you on 9/11.  The site’s been scrubbed, but everything

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Obama, the Dear Leader, readying himself to mold young minds without their parents as intermediaries *UPDATED*

My children, despite having one liberal parent and one conservative one, have come down firmly and absolutely on the side of conservatism.  They loath Obama.  Thank God, too, because Obama is going to use the power of the federal government to speak directly to America’s children, bypassing their parents as

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On the anniversary of the start of WWII, remembering when Hollywood supported Good Wars

Today is the 70th anniversary of Germany’s bombing campaign against Poland, the official start of World War II.  I thought, therefore, that this song from 1941’s Babes on Broadway was just right.  It is an explicit tribute to beleaguered Britain, which was, at the only time, not only the sole

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