Month: September 2009

Somehow it’s hard to imagine the Queen and Prince Phillip being on board with this latest attack of PC insanity *UPDATED*

The Queen and Prince Phillip were born in the 1920s.  They are, I gather, inherently conservative people.  While moving in the British upper classes has no doubt exposed them to a great many gays and lesbians (and I’m sure their manners allow them to take those interactions in stride), I’m

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Scientists know everything about the known world around us when it comes to climate change, but nothing when it comes to other things

The media repeatedly assures us that there is no question — and cannot be any question — about climate change.  That particular bit of science is settled, with all the data collected, a position the media holds to strenuously despite significant amounts of data that contradict the claim that humans

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Charles Krauthammer lays out Obama’s warped priorities re American wars & foreign policy

[youtube][/youtube] My belief, getting stronger by the minute, is that Obama’s sole Afghanistan policy was to be the un-Bush.  Bush’s critics claimed Iraq was the bad war and Afghanistan the good war.  So Obama immediately stated that he’d focus on Afghanistan.  Obama, though, true Leftist that he is, and with

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