Make new friends, but keep the old . . . .
Make new friends
But keep the old
The one is silver
And the other gold.
—Song that every school child in my (and Obama’s) age group learned growing up.
It’s becoming very apparent that Obama either wasn’t paying attention in school or that he is willfully disregarding one of the great pieces of folk wisdom — namely, it’s good to add friends, but very, very stupid to offend them. I mention this because of a little news item today:
Days before Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is to be welcomed in the White House as the first state visitor hosted by President Obama, two perceived missteps by the Obama administration have Indian officials concerned that New Delhi suddenly has been relegated to the second tier of U.S.-Asian relations.
Obama has pretty much inverted entirely the classic rhyme, since he’s offended our allies and merely amused, in a condescending and dangerous way, our enemies.