GOP, RINOS, and the Tea Party — by guest blogger W. H. Strom
First, this is what my background and has shaped my thinking, my starting point. I am a hard line conservative. I have been ever since gaining my maturity. I am well educated, two master’s degrees, one in Strategic Intelligence. I was born on the left coast, I am a practicing Christian, I live in Virginia, and was in the military (30 years) and a military contractor (10 years). Now, why did I just bring all that up? In my profession I have had to be an active listener. First I flew fighter aircraft in combat and in opposition to the great USSR (Russia to the newbees) I had to know the world situation. Later as an intelligence officer I changed my perspective somewhat, more toward learning what was going to happen in the near future. I became very versed to situations and attitudes in the area of potential adversaries.
When you study potential adversaries motivations are as important, or more so, than capabilities. The US military has sufficient wherewithal to destroy or damage most capability that our adversaries possess. It’s the motivation that is the driving force. As an intelligence officer and aircrew member, I was more than a little interested in the motivation of the people who were, occasionally, shooting at me. After the wall fell, the intelligence game became much more difficult. Instead of just one adversary, there was the potential of many. Again, why do I bring this up?
I am “tuned in”, so to speak, to motivations and behavior. I don’t much care about what people say as what they do. What I have seen in the US Congress is that almost every time there is some great contentious bill come to vote, that vote is nearly always along party lines, regardless of “Blue Dogs” or “Moderate” Republicans. Witness the last Senate vote on health care, and several other like votes in 2009. That was even more evident prior to the great upraising of the American public through such devices as the tea parties.
I just read the Wall Street Journal article on “Purity” tests. I don’t like them. Throughout my careers I have pretty much run my actions by “selective neglect”. I do what I want of my superior’s wishes and ignore the rest. I have been, on occasion, slapped down, but generally, I have had a relatively successful career. There are others out there like me. Locking someone up to a “test” to a list of values, of which some may vary in the next few years, does not seem like a good idea. If there were to be a “Purity” test, it should be broad: defend the constitution; kill political correctness in all its varied guises; support a strong defense; really understand and expose the roots of the Muslim religion; stand by our allies; and let freedom reign.
Third parties cannot win. They are too small, take votes from a larger party and let someone in without a majority (Clinton’s first win). It takes several elections to take over one of the top two. In the mean-time, the left will smash this country. What has started, and what we need to continue, is a redefinition of the Republican Party. I am a George W. Bush admirer, but he let some stuff slip by in his last year in office, perhaps to salvage a “historical” view of his presidency. Had I gone through the eight years he did, my sanity would also be questioned, but some attitudes and decisions must be reversed. Goldwater did it for us in 1964, it’s time again.
I like Tea Parties. It started out as a movement and needs to stay that way. If it becomes a party it is very possible that much of its efforts will go toward maintaining its status. That is a killer. So, let’s all calmly look at the big picture. Ultimately it comes down to how many Ds and Rs there are in Congress. I vote for Rs. I don’t much care if they are RINOS (as long as there are no good conservatives running). I definitely do not vote for any Ds, regardless of how well they campaign, witness the last Presidential election and the Senatorial election here in Virginia a few years before that. I only care about results, and Rs are much more likely to vote the way I want them than Ds. Let’s not cut our own throats. Nothing is done in a day or even in an election cycle. Let’s get involved in the GOP and revolt from within if we don’t like what we see. And for God’s Sake, let’s get out from under the elitist Northeasterners.
I am like the commenter I saw at this blog earlier: I voted for Palin. I like my politics sweet and simple, no secrets. Whether Sarah can get an adequate staff together and overcome what the MSM has done to here, I don’t know, but now she is my template for a solid conservative people’s candidate. If you don’t like my choice, that’s OK. I will go along with the majority, unlike the members of the Democrat Party (I just can’t call them democratic).
Last comment: We must keep the pressure on. Yes it was great to elect Senator Brown of Massachusetts, but remember, he is an eastern Republican. He has stated that he could vote with the Democrats on some issues. He is not Reagan, Palin, or even Gingrich. We must continue to push the events of the past year, keep it in the news so the massive Democrat public relations campaign which has started doesn’t pervert the great uninterested public.
Summary: The GOP, along with all the RINOS who will play with us, needs to merge with the tea partiers and present a united front. We need to keep the momentum going and not allow the 50 to 60 percent of the American public, who really don’t pay attention to politics, to forget the horrible fate that almost befell us.
W. H. Strom