A bad movie review that makes me want to see the movie

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so when the New York Times disses a movie based upon its politics, that may just be enough to mobilize me and move me to a theater.  Here’s the NYT on Robin Hood:

You may have heard that Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor, but that was just liberal media propaganda. This Robin is no socialist bandit practicing freelance wealth redistribution, but rather a manly libertarian rebel striking out against high taxes and a big government scheme to trample the ancient liberties of property owners and provincial nobles. Don’t tread on him!

So is “Robin Hood” one big medieval tea party? Kind of, though that description makes the movie sound both more fun and more provocative than it actually is. The film’s politics, in any case, are more implicit than overt, so that the filmmakers can plausibly deny any particular topical agenda. Which is fair enough: the fight of ragged warriors against sniveling and sadistic tyrants appeals across tastes and ideologies. In our own minds, at least at the movies, we are all embattled underdogs standing up for our rights against a bunch of overprivileged jerks who won’t leave us alone.

You can read the rest here, if you want to.

Then again, John Boot doesn’t like it either, because it’s a really bad movie, so I may just go into my default mode with any movie and not watch it.