Obama has exceeded my expectations

I keep hearing people yammering on about what a great disappointment Obama has been, which is in itself disappointing. I agree with pundits on the Left and the Right that Obama has stuck true to his values (even Karl Rove evinced admiration for Obama on this point). Fact is, he has, with the help of Congress, accomplished quite a bit:

1. Wealth Redistribution (done…with more to come)

2. National healthcare (done)

3. Attacked Wall Street and American corporations  (done)

4. Destroyed American preeminence in the world (work-in-progress)

5. Go after the “rich” and other “bad” people in America (done)

6. Raised taxes on the “rich” (done)

7. Increase government / regulatory control of our lives and the economy (done)

8. Extend a friendly hand to our enemies (done).

Of course, there are things that he swore he would do but failed to do, as (for example) swear to uphold the Constitution, not raise healthcare costs, increase government transparency and cause the seas to recede. But then, I never believed him on those idle thoughts anyway, so there were no expectations created.

Then again, he has done things well beyond what he ever promised to do, such as nationalize American corporations and extrajudicially strip debt holders of their property or bow in obeisance to Saudi kings and dictators. Plus, I remain convinced that, within the next two years, he will get us (an many other peoples and countries) into another war.

Fact is, you can only be disappointed in someone if they fail to rise to your expectations. My expectations for Obama were abysmally low and I allow that he has stayed true to his course when I actually thought he might find it in himself to seek compromise with the loyal opposition for the betterment of the country. Instead, he opted for full-throated demagoguery, pitting Americans against Americans. So, in net-net, I would have to say Obama has well exceeded my expectations.

No, my disappointment is in the people that voted for him and that now bitterly complain about the mess in which we find ourselves. It’s getting hard for me to bite my tongue when I hear people complain about the economy because, somehow, it was OK to sacrifice the geese that laid the golden eggs but it is somehow not OK that the supply of golden eggs has shriveled. College students, I understand: they aren’t expected to know much of anything, anyway, especially today. Adults, though, have no such excuses. I will, of course, forgive. But I won’t forget.