Islam and rape
Your matched set for today:
Andy McCarthy writes about the elephant in the liberal living room; namely, Islamic attitudes towards rape: Women are almost always asking for it, especially Western women, and, once having forced an innocent man to give in to his base animal nature, they deserve to be beaten, arguably to death.
That analysis, of course, must get paired with CBS’s muted and delayed reporting of the horrific rape that its reporter, Lara Logan, suffered at the hands of an Islamic mob. CBS tries to spin it as a normal tale of a mob that’s gotten out of control, but people paying attention to the Islamic world understand that, while Western mobs attack cars and shops, Islamic mobs attack women.
I’ve mentioned before, and I’ll repeat again, that one of the smartest people I know believes that, boiled down to its essence, Islamic hostility towards the West revolves around women. One of Islam’s primary goals is the total subjugation of its women, turning them into slaves who must provide sex on demand to their owners. The Western world, even in its most repressive eras, provided more freedom — and respect — for women. The one thing Islam cannot risk is for its women to gain equality.