An American epitaph

From Canada’s National Post comes a fitting epitaph for our country’s demise:


“The real story of Reckless Endangerment is more a story of democracy corrupted than it is a story of financial fraud. It is a story of America’s great wounding of herself. And even now, with this book, the full account is not nearly as known as it should be; and as the authors so sadly point out, nearly every one of the principals who brought such misery and shame upon their countrymen are free, prosperous, in many cases highly honoured and “serving” still at the highest levels of political and financial power,” writes NP commentator, Rex Murphy.



Reckless Endangerment may be the definitive recounting of how Wall Street, in collusion with Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac and their mostly Democrat enablers (Barney Frank, Chris Dodd), collaborated in a massive fraud that has put our country on the edge of fiscal and economic collapse. Nobody can accuse the two authors of the book, NYT journalist Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner, financial analyst.


From reviews that I have read, the book pretty much confirms what the large consensus at this blog (97%) had already figured out (there is the odd priest of the Temple or two in dissension, of course, but the large majority of us “got it”).


I don’t know that I have the energy or will to read this book. As Murphy, a Canadian, writes, “Any person with a regard for the United States, or with some surviving faith in the virtues of representative democracy, will finish this book severely angry.


I don’t have the heart to read it: I don’t want to live “angry”.


The question that would like to pose to all of you is, do you think that the people responsible for this will ever be brought to justice? Because, if not, then I think we are truly doomed.