Bookworm is ready to come home

We spent the morning today in Palermo.  I wish I had more to say about it, but I just don’t. I can’t figure out if it wouldn’t have been my cup of tea under any circumstances, or if I’m just getting soured after more travel than I really like.

I found Palermo hot, noisy, and crowded. The buildings were ragged, whether because of war injuries that linger on (a big WWII battle took place in Palermo), or simply because it’s an economically depressed area.  I know I should have found the people colorful — “Look!  There are Sicilians!” — but they just looked like people to me.

I’ve now exhausted my Palermo narrative. Tomorrow is the Vatican Museum, which includes the Sistine Chapel. If I don’t have something to say about that, either pro or con, I’d be very surprised.


P.S. from DQ:  Book will be home in about four days or so.  Yay!!